v. 1.31.1

News of 2021§

News archive for the year 2021.

Unit 1.26.1 Released §

Valentin V. Bartenev on December 2, 2021

Version 1.26.1 brings important bugfixes to recent features.

Unit 1.26.0 Released §

Valentin V. Bartenev on November 18, 2021

Version 1.26.0 has been released, featuring multiple improvements in static content serving, application-wide PHP opcache, and a number of bugfixes.

Unit 1.25.0 Released §

Valentin V. Bartenev on August 19, 2021

Version 1.25.0 has been released, featuring SSL/TLS session cache and ticket controls, originating IP identification, manual application restart, and a number of bugfixes.

Running Spring Boot Applications in a Zero Trust Environment with NGINX Unit §

Timo Stark on August 18, 2021

NGINX Unit makes supporting HTTPS simple and completely application-agnostic, because encryption is applied at the level of the listener, not the application. No need to dig into language‑specific details! In this blog we illustrate HTTPS configuration for a Spring Boot application.

Updates to NGINX Unit for Summer 2021 §

Artem Konev on August 13, 2021

NGINX Unit 1.23.0 and 1.24.0 introduce support for the SNI extension to TLS, definition of OpenSSL configuration commands, MIME filtering and path restrictions for static content, and multiple Python scripts in one app. Also, you no longer need to modify Node.js apps to run them in Unit.

Demoing NGINX at Sprint 2.0 – From Blast Off to Stable Orbit §

Jenn Gile on August 2, 2021

Preview the seven demos presented by the NGINX team on August 24 at NGINX Sprint 2021, our annual virtual event. We show how NGINX solutions accelerate just about every step in your app development journey, from deploying the first reverse proxy to launching a service mesh.

What Are Namespaces and cgroups, and How Do They Work? §

Scott van Kalken on July 21, 2021

Dive deep into two Linux features that underlie containers namespaces and cgroups. They enable process isolation, ensuring that multiple processes running on a system don't interfere with one another. Our NGINX Unit application server also uses them for application isolation.

Unit 1.24.0 Released §

Valentin V. Bartenev on May 27, 2021

Version 1.24.0 has been released, featuring SSL/TLS configuration commands; static file chrooting with symlink and mount resolution control; static file filtering by MIME type; other features and a couple of bugfixes.

Well Done @ NGINX Unit §

Ibrahim Sha on May 26, 2021

On my programming journey, I always felt that server configuration for an application was taking more time than expected.

NGINX Unit with CakePHP 4 §

Timo Stark on March 31, 2021

How to install and run CakePHP4 on NGINX Unit.

NGINX Unit 1.23 - SNI Deep Dive §

Timo Stark on March 26, 2021

How to run NGINX Unit with SNI support.

Unit 1.23.0 Released §

Valentin V. Bartenev on March 25, 2021

Version 1.23.0 has been released, featuring SNI support and a number of bugfixes.

NGINX Unit 1st Steps §

Timo Stark on March 22, 2021

How NGINX Unit works.

Unit 1.22.0 Released §

Valentin V. Bartenev on February 4, 2021

Version 1.22.0 has been released, featuring a number of bugfixes.